This is the haunted lost mansion of the enigmatic Greek millionaire, who abruptly left his lavish home at dawn six years ago and never returned. The residence was covered with expensive apparel, old photographs, and graffiti.

The palace was owned by a Greek real estate tycoon known locally as “Thanos” who for many years lived there with his family.

Thanos departed his Hertfordshire home one night in 2017 with his daughter, leaving behind all of his belongings.

Since then, the mansion has been vacant, despite rumors that one of his three sons may have stayed there to guard it against thieves.

That was demonstrably inaccurate as seen by the mansion’s inside, which had extensive graffiti.

This lovely property has been vacant for six years, and the damage is starting to become apparent. Urban explorer Daniel Sims, 34, also known online as Bearded Reality, was the one who took these pictures.

A Greek real estate billionaire was the owner of the abandoned home. Despite seeing piles of cash at his opulent home, it was said that the owner led such a secretive life that no one knew what he did for a living,” stated Daniel.

Because to his investments in “property,” Thanos’ family claims that he led a wealthy lifestyle and never went to work.

He and his wife had been married for 32 years before he unfortunately passed away from cancer in 2004. The couple raised five children.