Steve Wynn, a wealthy casino owner, offered his $110 mιllιon Los Angeles megamansion for Friday. PropertyShark claims that a company connected to Mr. Wynn purchased the “personal resort” in 2015 for $47.8 mιllιon.

Leonard Rabinowitz of Hilton & Hyland, who lists the property with Rick Hilton and Jack Friedkin, called the four-year makeover “three really great professionals.”

Landscape design by Robert Truskowski, architecture by William Hablinski, and interior design by Roger Thomas, Mr. Wynn’s longtime colleague and executive vice president of design at Wynn Design and Development.

“Steve Wynn oversaw it, and he doesn’t miss a thing,” Mr. Rabinowitz said.
The Los Angeles Times, which originally reported the listing, stated that Mr. Wynn, 78, added 8,000 square feet to the 11-bedroom estate, making it over 27,000 square feet.

The contemporary Beverly Hills property has a wine room, spa suite, gym, elevator, three staff bedrooms, and two security team bedrooms to accommodate a large entourage.

An owner’s office, screening room, tennis court, and swimming pool are all included.

“Steve does everything to the highest possible standard,” Mr. Rabinowitz remarked. “The owners of $100 million mansions say, ‘This is our screening room,’ and a Best Buy projector hangs from the ceiling.” This property includes a projection chamber with $250,000 worth of equipment. He does it.”

Mr. Wynn’s lavish European-style Las Vegas house is also for sale. The mansion was decreased from $25 mιllιon in June to $19.5 mιllιon in December.

He was accused of sexual misconduct and left his position as chairman and CEO of Wynn Resorts in 2018. He contests his guilt.